

發問:波多野結衣 英文

題目:動物園 有一天我跟我的家人去動物園, 看到很多動物,有獅子、猴子、馬、長頸鹿、企鵝... 好多好多動物, 動物園真是個有趣的地方!! 以上..謝謝各位


動物園 The Zoo 有一天我跟我的家人去動物園, One day, I went to the zoo with my family. 看到很多動物,有獅子、猴子、馬、長頸鹿、企鵝...好多好多動物, We saw many animals there. There are lions, monkeys, horses, giraffes, penguins, and so on. 動物園真是個有趣的地方!! The zoo is such a fun place.


動物園 THE ZOO 有一天我跟我的家人去動物園, One day I go to the zoo with my family, 看到很多動物,有獅子、猴子、馬、長頸鹿、企鵝... We saw many animals,there has the lion, the monkey, the horse, the giraffe, the penguin... 好多好多動物, So many animals, 動物園真是個有趣的地方!! The zoo really is an interesting place!! 2007-11-18 16:15:51 補充: One day I go to the zoo with my family, 改成: One day, I went to the zoo with my family, 2007-11-18 16:17:09 補充: The zoo really is an interesting place!! 改成: The zoo is an|||||THE ZOO One day, I want to the zoo with my family. There are many animals, lions, monkeys, horses, giragges and penguin...est. The zoo is very funny.C83958354884B923

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